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180. Jesus Loves You!

Have you ever wondered why the idea of a marriage proposal sends shivers down the spine of many men? Brother Nic, together with his sister Currie, grapple with this question at the outset of our heart-to-heart on love and commitment. We reminisce on the evolution of Valentine's Day from a pressure-laden occasion to just another day in the calendar, as our conversation becomes a vessel for sharing personal journeys and shifting perceptions of this holiday of love.

As we unfurl the rich tapestry of Valentine's Day's history, the dialogue takes a turn towards the often unspoken pangs of exclusion and loneliness that can shadow this day of affection. Currie and I stitch together tales of ancient love with the complexities of modern relationships, shedding light on how society's portrayal of love can distract from the deeper, divine connection we yearn for. It's a candid discussion that not only dissects the commercialization of love but also encourages embracing a love that extends beyond the worldly realm, even to those we might consider adversaries.

In the final stretch, I open the curtains on a powerful narrative where prayer became the catalyst for a profound transformation in my life. As Currie and I unpack the biblical essence of Agape love, we invite you to reflect on how this selfless love can take root in everyday interactions, steering our life choices and the way we connect with others. With personal milestones on the horizon, I share a message of celebrating love in ways that resonate with us individually and enrich our bonds with those we hold dear. Join us for this spiritually uplifting exchange that's sure to ignite reflection and inspiration long after you've finished listening.

Sister Tylaria Currie past episodes

• Stolen Innocence, Part 1  (
• Stolen Innocence, Part 2 (
• Stolen Innocence, Part 3 (

A Call to Salvation
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